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Guarding Digital Frontiers


From mainframe to microservice, we provide comprehensive security audits and reviews, backed by decades of experience and trusted by Europe's largest enterprises.

Security Consulting

In an ever-evolving digital world, securing your technological assets is paramount. From auditing AI algorithms to securing cloud infrastructure, our suite of services provides comprehensive coverage for your business. Leverage our two decades of wide-ranging experience and establish a robust defense against digital threats. Navigate the digital landscape with confidence and peace of mind.

Auditing AI Algorithms

Elevate confidence in your AI deployments with robust audits

Artificial intelligence holds great promise for transforming business operations. Our AI auditing service ensures that the algorithms driving your business are not only powerful, but also secure, robust, and compliant. We provide in-depth evaluation of your AI models to validate their integrity and reliability.

  • Evaluate model robustness
  • Adversarial attack
  • Ensure compliance with regulation

Smart Contract Audits

Imbue your blockchain transactions with trusted security

In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, smart contracts have emerged as a key innovation. Our smart contract audit services ensure the security, functionality, and effectiveness of these vital blockchain components. We scrutinize every detail of your smart contracts to prevent vulnerabilities and reinforce trust.

  • Verify contract security
  • Validate functional correctness
  • Avoid expensive mistakes

Secure Design Reviews

Architecting secure systems from the ground up

At the core of a secure system lies a secure design. We offer comprehensive secure design reviews to ensure your software is built on a foundation of security. Our expert analysis identifies potential vulnerabilities in your system design and provides actionable recommendations for reinforcement.

  • Analyze system architecture
  • Identify potential vulnerabilities
  • Offer actionable enhancements

Secure Code Reviews

Building bulletproof software one line of code at a time

In the world of software development, the devil is often in the details. Our secure code review services provide a thorough examination of your code to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities. We ensure your software is built on solid, secure foundations, one line at a time.

  • Scrutinize for vulnerabilities
  • Enhance code security
  • Ensure software reliability

Penetration Testing

Exposing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited

In cybersecurity, the best defense is a good offense. Our penetration testing services simulate real-world attacks on your systems to identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. We provide you with insights into potential weak spots and assist in creating a robust defense strategy.

  • Simulate real-world attacks
  • Identify system vulnerabilities
  • Strengthen defense strategy

Cloud Security Audits

Secure your cloud infrastructure against potential threats

Cloud systems have revolutionized the way businesses operate, but they also come with unique security challenges. Our cloud security audits ensure that your cloud infrastructure is secure, compliant, and optimized for your business operations. We offer comprehensive examinations to ensure your data remains safe in the cloud.

  • Evaluate cloud security
  • Verify compliance adherence
  • Optimize security configurations


Let's talk

Now that you know a little more about us, let’s talk about what we can do to benefit your business. And if you’re like-minded digital explorer looking for a warm and welcoming team, let’s talk about the possibility of adding your skills to our toolbox.

Contact us